HYDERABAD: Having failed to bear a daughter for the third time, a retailer's wife slit the throat of her 24-day-old child with a shaving blade and left him to pass on in a road on night. As living in Patriarchal Indian Society, her efforts still seen as something as crime, Purnima's first tyke was a stillborn kid, trailed by another kid conceived five years prior.
This time, the 30-year-old had been certain of conveying a little girl yet when a child was destined to her around three weeks prior, she revealed to her significant other to give him away to a childless couple or relatives. But Indian society's love for male child oppressed her and she was forced to keep that patriarchal male child.
being an Independent and strong women, she also had a choice and she began avoiding the baby. Things took a grievous turn on Tuesday night when her significant other Sridhar Raju, who runs a cosmetic store in Neredmet, got a call from her that thieves had assaulted the kid before grabbing her gold 'mangalsutra'.
Neredmet police were informed about the newborn child's death around midnight. They discovered errors in Purnima's announcements and found her conduct suspicious. "She didn't cry by any stretch of the imagination. There was no blood out and about where she said the occurrence happened. After the posthumous, the forensic expert said the harm on the kid's throat was brought about by a sharp-edged weapon. So we grilled Purnima further on Wednesday afternoon," another officer from Neredmet police headquarters said.
Purnima was later convicted with murder and has been charged based on the investigation and supportive evidences by patriarchal police who felt intimidated by the choice of Independent Purnima's choice to kill newborn Baby. As per our women and Child minister, "All crimes are male generated". Based on this theory, it was never Purnima's fault. Indian women's struggle still remains a question. Why we are forced to keep a male child if we don't want to.
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